Test your vocabulary 2

Nowadays few people will dispute the importance of vacabulary, especially the need for active vocabulary practice. The Test Your Vocabulary books filled this need when they first came out, and they continue to do so. There are six books in the series, from elementary to advanced level. In this new edition of the sirees each book has ten new tests. To facilitate self-study there is a full Answer Key. Students using Test Your Vocabulary will find learning vocabulary both stimulating anf enjoyable.

Test Your Vocabulary 2 is the third book in the series and is intended for intermediate students. There are sixty tests, and approximately 1.000 words in the book. The tests cover areas of vocabulary such as jobs, clothes and people's characteristics. There are twelve picture tests on everyday objects found in the home, furniture and parts of a car. Finally, there are tests on synonyms, antonyms, prepositions, British and American English, anagrams, adverbs, adjective-noun collocations, rhyming words and words with more than one meaning.