» Từ khóa: thuật thôi miên

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • Instantaneous Personal Magnetism

    Instantaneous Personal Magnetism

    Now You Can Copy The Rasputin Blueprint And Discover Secrets Like... * The nine locations of the eye, and how to master them in order to mesmerize others in seconds * Please-Attract-Win-Hold - the 4 secrets of the Magnetic Voice revealed * "The Magnetic Touch" - how to put someone under your spell by just touching them * The Laws of Personality - disobey these and you'll end up going nowhere fast * "Still life" methods that will allow you to...

     396 p dnulib 06/12/2012 406 1

    Từ khóa: hypnotic, psychology, psychology and counseling, tâm lý giáo dục, thuật thôi miên,

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