• Advanced Programming

    Advanced Programming

    Advanced Linux Programming is published under the Open Publication License, Version 1, no options exercised. (Due to an oversight in final production, the copyright notice on the book is incorrect.) The full text may be downloaded from this site. Code samples in the book are covered by the GNU General Public License and are also available.

     60 p dnulib 03/11/2012 304 1

  • Programming with Windows Forms

    Programming with Windows Forms

    As forms are the base unit of your application, it is essential that you give some thought to their function and design. A form is ultimately a blank slate that you, as a developer, enhance with controls to create a user interface and with code to manipulate data. To that end, Visual Studio provides you with an integrated development environment (IDE) to aid in writing code, as well as a rich control set written with the .NET Framework. By...

     18 p dnulib 03/11/2012 352 1

  • Top 10 Things You Should Know About Optimizing SQL Server Performance

    Top 10 Things You Should Know About Optimizing SQL Server Performance

    Performance optimization on SQL Server is difficult. A vast array of information exists on how to address performance problems in general. However, there is not much information on the specifics and even less information on how to apply that specific knowledge to your own environment.

     31 p dnulib 03/11/2012 264 1

  • Introduction to C#The New Language for Microsoft.NET

    Introduction to C#The New Language for Microsoft.NET

    This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to build rich and interactive web sites that run on the Microsoft platform. With the knowledge you gain from this book, you create a great foundation to build any type of web site, ranging from simple hobby-related web sites to sites you may be creating for commercial purposes.

     65 p dnulib 03/11/2012 389 1

  • Linq and C# 3.0 A new way and language to query data

    Linq and  C# 3.0 A new way and language to query data

    The programming language C# version 3.0 was released on 19 November 2007 as part of .NET Framework 3.5. It includes new features inspired by functional programming languages such as Haskell and ML, and is driven largely by the introduction of the Language Integrated Query (LINQ) pattern to the Common Language Runtime.[1] It is not currently standardized by any standards organisation.

     58 p dnulib 03/11/2012 390 1



    Trong lĩnh vực công nghệ thông tin của thế giới ngày nay, với sự phát triển liên tục và đa dạng nhất là phần mềm, các hệ điều hành, các môi trường phát triển, các ứng dụng liên tục ra đời. Tuy nhiên, đôi khi việc phát triển không đồng nhất và nhất là do lợi ích khác nhau của các công ty phần mềm lớn làm ảnh hưởng đến những người xây...

     389 p dnulib 03/11/2012 385 1

  • C# Language Reference

    C# Language Reference

    C# programmers all have one thing in common -- they're learning a new language. That fact alone brings challenges, frustrations, and constant demands on your patience. And, no matter how good your reference books are, you can't always stop to thumb through hundreds of pages to find the piece of information you need. Your answer is the C# Language Pocket Reference. Concise and easy to use, this handy pocket guide to C# comes from the authors of...

     277 p dnulib 03/11/2012 403 1

  • Advanced C# Programming

    Advanced C# Programming

    This advanced resource is ideal for experienced programmers seeking practical solutions to real problems. Discover valuable coding techniques and best practices while learning to master Microsoft's newest cross-platform programming language. This definitive guide will show you how to expertly apply and integrate C# into your business applications. Create user controls, special effects text, dynamic user interfaces, custom attributes--plus,...

     578 p dnulib 03/11/2012 358 1

  • Network Programming in .NET

    Network Programming in .NET

    The purpose of this book is to provide tools to design and implement network-orientated applications in .NET. It is also a guide for software designers to choose the best and most efficient way to implement mission critical solutions. The book addresses real-world issues facing professional developers, such as using third-party components as opposed in-house development. It differentiates itself from existing .NET publications because it is...

     562 p dnulib 03/11/2012 324 1

  • Lập trình C# 2008 căn bản

    Lập trình C# 2008 căn bản

    Ngôn ngữ C# khá đơn giản, chỉ khoảng hơn 80 từ khóa và hơn mười mấy kiểu dữ liệu được dựng sẵn. Tuy nhiên, ngôn ngữ C# có ý nghĩa to lớn khi nó thực thi những khái niệm lập trình hiện đại. C# bao gồm tất cả những hỗ trợ cho cấu trúc, thành phần component, lập trình hướng đối tượng. Những tính chất đó hiện diện trong một ngôn ngữ lập...

     102 p dnulib 03/11/2012 376 2

  • ASP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

    ASP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

    Why learn R? Because it's rapidly becoming the standard for developing statistical software. R in a Nutshell provides a quick and practical way to learn this increasingly popular open source language and environment. You'll not only learn how to program in R, but also how to find the right user-contributed R packages for statistical modeling, visualization, and bioinformatics.

     426 p dnulib 03/11/2012 227 1

  • C# 3.0 Cookbook

    C# 3.0 Cookbook

    C# 3.0 Cookbook offers a new chapter on LINQ (language integrated query), plus two expanded chapters for recipes for extension methods, lambda functions, object initializers, new synchronization primitives and more. The new edition is also complemented by a public wiki, which not only includes all of the C# 2.0 recipes from the previous edition unchanged by the release of C# 3.0, but invites you to suggest better ways to solve those tasks.

     888 p dnulib 03/11/2012 407 1

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