C++ for Dummies

If you’ve thought of programmers as elite intelligentsia who possess expertise (and perhaps genes) the rest of us will never have, think again. C++ For Dummies, 5th Edition, debunks the myths, blasts the barriers, shares the secrets, and gets you started. In fact, by the end of Chapter 1, you’ll be able to create a C++ program. OK, it won’t be newest, flashiest video game, but it might be a practical, customized inventory control or record-keeping program.
Most people catch on faster when they actually DO something, so C++ For Dummies includes a CD-ROM that gives you all you need to start programming (except the guidance in the book, of course), including:

Dev-C, a full-featured, integrated C++ compiler and editor you install to get down to business
The source code for the programs in the book, including code for BUDGET, programs that demonstrate principles in the book
Documentation for the Standard Template Library
Online C++ help files